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More than 60 years as a laundress princess –
an anniversary to rejoice.
Since 1958, the character of the washer princess has been unmistakably associated with the Bonn Women’s Carnival. In the long list of laundress princesses, Barbara Tiepholt from the Ladies’ Committee Wäscherei Beu deserves a very special honour as the very first madness. Up to and including 1964, it was the rule that the laundress princess was provided exclusively by the local laundries – as a look at the long list below shows.
When recruitment from the ranks of the busy washerwomen became more and more difficult, the women’s committees took on this responsible task year after year. Exceptions are the years 1962, 1968 and 1994. In the former, it was the terrible flood disaster in Hamburg that led to the cancellation of all carnival events. In the other two years, the princess from our French twin town Mirecourt was chosen.
The year 1991 is also a special year: Due to the second Gulf War, all carnival parades were suspended and Princess Melanie Gierlich, who had been in office until then, remained in office and dignity in the following year 1992. As you can see from the chronological table below, not only the dignitary changes every year, but also the motto:

The Washer Princesses

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2021 -2023














Order of the Beuel Women’s Carnival

Year after year, a new order is designed, which cannot be purchased, but is awarded exclusively to those who have rendered outstanding services to this custom. This is certainly the reason why this order is so coveted.

The beautiful medals are also made every year in duplicate as large wooden medals. These artistic specimens are used to decorate the washer princess wagon.



Festival badge of the Beuel Women’s Carnival

In 2005, the Beueler Weiberfastnacht working group designed a festival badge pin for the first time. This idea was so well received by the Beuel carnival participants that now a new pin is made every year just in time for the start of the session.

The pin is available from 11.11. at almost all women’s committees, at the Beuel district administration office and at the Schlösser bakery, Hermannstrasse 32-34, 53225 Bonn. The proceeds will benefit the individual women’s committees and the Förderverein Beueler Weiberfastnacht e.V.


"Mir hann en Wäscherprinzessin...."

Composer: Gregor Kess
Copywriter: Ferdinand Böhm

The lyrics of this song were written in 1998 by Ferdinand Böhm and subsequently set to music and arranged by Gregor Kess.


De Rhing erop, de Rhing eraf do jiit et vill zu senn,
to the Drachenfels, to the Loreley, every young man goes.
But kütt dä Fastelovend met Alaaf und met Helau,
then we know where my hinjeit janz ejal whether man or woman.
For Cologne would have a trivial and Dusseldorf the prince,
but what I know about Beuel is known from Bottrop bes no Linz:

Mir hann en Wäscherprinzessin, e Mädche he vom Rhing.
Dat es em Fastelovend emmer uns’re Sonnesching.
Dat loß’n mer uns net nemme net für Jold un net für Jeld,
for dat jiit et nur en Beuel un sons nirjends op d’r Welt.

The drink is a beer – the other leever Wing.
Dat es ejal, because both taste best on the Rhing.
Em Mai da hann die Schötzebröder maches Faaß jeleert.
Un och em autumn at the Winzerfess, do weed dä Wing tribiert.
The Schötze and the vintners each would have singing queen,
but wat mir he en Beuel hann dat es et schönste wat et jitt am Rhing:

Mir hann en Wäscherprinzessin, e Mädche he vom Rhing.
Dat es em Fastelovend emmer uns’re Sonnesching.
Dat loß’n mer uns net nemme net für Jold un net für Jeld,
for dat jiit et nur en Beuel un sons nirjends op d’r Welt.

The most beautiful ävver es with us the Wieverfastelär
Then storm me et Roothus jo do kütt uns quer
M’r klimp op d’r balcony erop, dabei weed vill jeschannt.
But in the end, Obermöhn holds the key in her hand.
Now finally the Wiever are on it like every year.
The jecks sound and they all sing together now in chorus:

Mir hann en Wäscherprinzessin, e Mädche he vom Rhing.
Dat es em Fastelovend emmer uns’re Sonnesching.
Dat loß’n mer uns net nemme net für Jold un net für Jeld,
for dat jiit et nur en Beuel un sons nirjends op d’r Welt.

Beuel "national anthem": "En Beuel fladdere de Botze"

Copywriter: Erich Lehnhof and Günter Nickmann

Die Wieve wooren et endlich leed,
nur emme wäsche un keen Freud.
But eemol em Johr würd nix jedonn,
at carnival blev de Bütt leer stonn.

En Beuel fladdere de Botze,
et es Fasteloovend, drömm lottse.
En Beuel es de Fasteloovend schön,
met jecke Wieve un de Obermöhn.

To Wievefasteloovend then,
Finge se fröh ze fiere aan.
Se jingen vejnööch alleen erus,
de men blevden bravely to Hus.

En Beuel fladdere de Botze, …..

Se söökden sich en Obermöhn
un han en princess young and beautiful.
Met ihr störmen se de Roothuusdüür
and the men take care of each other.

En Beuel fladdere de Botze, …..

Se trecken inne de Botze us
un jaachen se an de Düür erus.
Die Botze kommen op de Ling,
huu övve Beuel em Sonnesching.

En Beuel fladdere de Botze, …..

Su es dat at sick velle Johr,
su bliev dat och, dat es doch kloor.
The Wieve han et Rejiment
von Donnerschdaach bes an et End’.

En Beuel fladdere de Botze, …..