doesn’t happen by itself.

The laundress princess rules Beuel. And money the world.
The association has the task of supporting the Beuel Women’s Carnival ideologically and financially and thus making it possible in the first place. Because despite all the love and enthusiasm for the colourful hustle and bustle, our Festival of Joy is always a financial matter – and we are happy to have such an active and committed association. The association pursues exclusively charitable goals, this non-profit status is officially attested. Since 24 May 2012, Ina Harder has been chairwoman and successor to Evi Zwiebler, who has chaired the association since it was founded. Their goal and aspiration is to further increase the attractiveness of the Beuel Women’s Carnival, which is already known far beyond the borders of the city, together with all those involved, and to cultivate the wonderful tradition with all its facets. If you would also like to do your part to support us, please feel free to contact us at any time: Bank details of the Förderverein:
Volksbank Köln Bonn eG
Account: 3010835010, BLZ: 380 601 86
IBAN: DE16 3806 0186 3010 8350 10
BIC: GENODED1BRS Sparkasse KölnBonn
Account: 329189300, BLZ: 370 501 98
IBAN: DE38 3705 0198 0032 9193 00

District Administration Office Beuel
When it comes to the train, the ball is in the court of the Beuel district administration office.
Whoever says Zug, in the same breath also says Federal City of Bonn, Beuel District Administrative Office. Ralf Birkner and his team work with great pleasure to promote our customs. They are in charge when it comes to the annual carnival parade in our city. That’s right, the Zoch is not – as you might have assumed – organized by the carnival association or festival committee, but by the highest authorities. This is by no means common, as an authority has better things to do than pave the way for candy-throwing jesters. But the commitment of the Beuel district administration office shows the high status of Weiberfastnacht in all parts of the city and beyond the city limits. District mayor Guido Pfeiffer, like many district mayors before him, is trying with all his might to defend his town hall.
Whether it will be possible to keep the women away from the town hall remains questionable…. District Administration Office Beuel
Town Hall Beuel
Friedrich-Breuer-Str. 65
53225 Bonn
Tel: 0228-774918

Anyone who wants to support us in an unconventional way becomes a member of the convention.
You don’t have to be a major sponsor, multimillionaire or lucky heir to support the Beuel Women’s Carnival. In 2016, the board of our association supplemented its statutes with the “Convent of Sponsors”. Since then, anyone who supports our world-class event in a particularly financial or factual way can become a member of the convention. As a sign of the good deed, the members are allowed to wear a special cap with a corresponding badge in return. Since then, the convent congregation has been growing steadily, caps and medals are increasing. Ingo Bley has been elected President of the Convention since 2023. The former president and founding member of the Convention, Walter Raderschall, passed away on 27.12.2022 at the age of 67. He has made a significant contribution to the fact that the association has grown steadily.
We are going to be BIG – 1 Euro per week and the Beueler Weiberfastnacht lives on!
Under this motto, the Förderverein Beueler Weiberfastnacht has decided to offer membership for 52 euros per year in addition to the members of the convent and circle of friends. Every “Jeck” should have the opportunity to support the carnival tradition, but above all the Beuel Women’s Carnival and to participate inactively in it.
As an external identification mark, members receive a high-quality pin from Bley. Click here for the application for membership!
Working Group
It’s all happening here – no wonder with 500 ladies.
The Beueler Weiberfastnacht working group is the think tank of the annual hustle and bustle. More than 550 ladies are organized here in 19 women’s committees and organize the entire Beuel carnival on a voluntary basis and without any financial interest. Under the direction of Obermöhn Ina Harder, in addition to the head and the employees of the Beuel district administration office and other administrative offices, mainly volunteers are involved.
the presidents of the Beuel women’s committees and the representatives of the aid organizations. This circle is completed by the commander of the Beuel city soldiers, representatives of the Old Beuel Ladies Committee and the Ladies Committee, which provides the washer princess in the respective session. The district mayor is a permanent guest in this body.
Organization of the presentation of the washer and LiKüRa princess, the implementation of the Weiberfastnacht parade and finally as a highlight of the session: the traditional storming of the town hall with the subsequent carnival party in the town hall. Nothing motivates the committed people more than the pride in their own history with the globally unique washer princess, who has developed into a great popular figure for the entire region
Women’s Committees
Polygamy has a long tradition with us.
Beuel is the cradle of Weiberfastnacht and the attraction of our original Beuel Weiberfastnacht is greater than ever, even after almost 200 years. So it is not surprising that we now have 19 women’s committees, all of which have made it their task to preserve, cultivate and revive the beautiful tradition and customs of Weiberfastnacht. If you would like to learn more about the individual women’s committees, you have the opportunity to do so by visiting the individual websites.
Women's Committees
Altes Beueler Damenkomitee von 1824 e.V.
President: Patty Burgunder Tel: 0160 / 174 96 37
Mail: patty.burgunder@gmx.de
Women’s Committee “Beuele Määdche”
President: Ute Kinnemann Tel: 02208/ 711 36
Mail: ukuk@netcologne.de
Beueler Stadtsoldaten e.V.
1st Women’s Committee Beuel Ost
President: Brigitte Pitz Tel: 02241 / 2 81 49
Women’s Committee “Frohsinn”, Geislar
President: Isabel Henseler Tel: 0228 / 42 24 66 9
Mail: damenkomitee.geislar@gmail.com
Women’s Committee Geislar
Ladies’ Committee “Fidele Reisetanten”, Pützchen
President: Silvia Kluth Tel: 0228 / 97372511
silvia.kluth@live.de e
Women’s Committee Grün-Weiß Ramersdorf 1905
President: Mareike Piontek Tel: 0228 / 44 07 51
Women’s committee in the TSV Bonn rrh.
President: Maria Balensiefen Tel: 0228 / 46 57 74
Mail: mariabal61@gmx.de
Women’s committee in the TSV Bonn rrh.
Women’s Committee “Die jecke Wiever vom hellije Tünn”, Niederholtorf
President: Doris Rütt Tel: 0228 / 48 29 81
Women’s Committee of the Catholic Women’s Community of St. Josef
President: Brigitte Mohn Tel: 0228 / 47 22 71
Mail: fmohn@gmx.de
Dk St. Josef
Women’s Committee Klatschbloome, Vilich-Müldorf
President: Hedi von Kortzfleisch Tel: 0228 / 48 49 00
Women’s Committee “Megaperls”
President: Marita Peters Tel: 0228 / 46 52 17
Women’s Committee “Foolish Sailors”
President: Zeyna Saba Tel: 0170 / 191 32 32
Ladies’ Committee “Nixen vom Märchensee 1946 e.V.”, Oberkassel
President: Melanie Menzel Tel: 0228 / 44 35 99
Mail: Melanie.menzel82@web.de
Mermaids online
St. Paul’s Women’s Committee
President: Christiane Statz Tel: 0228 / 48 26 807
Women’s Committee “Water Lilies from the Maar”
President: Marie-Christine Fries Tel:
02241 / 312577
Email: dkseerosen@web.de

Wagon builders
They dare quite a lot: our wagon builders.
For many, the highlight of each session is the festive parade on the morning of Weiberfastnacht. When the Zoch starts moving at 9.45 a.m. sharp, not only the princess’s heart swells. Now the whole art of the teams is also showing, who have built and fine-tuned behind the scenes until the last second to bring the impressive cars onto the roads. With a lot of creativity and attention to detail, they transform Beuel into a wagon camp of a different kind.
In order to be able to enjoy the whole hustle and bustle to the fullest, our order painters and sign painters also deserve a big thank you. Without her fantastic work, the Beuel Women’s Carnival would not have this unique radiance.

Friends and Sponsors
Whether you are a small donor or a major sponsor – everyone is welcome!
In order for us to be able to make the Beuel Carnival as colourful and lively as in previous years for you and with you in the future, our support association is dependent on the active support of donors and sponsors. We offer major donors and particularly generous supporters a unique stage and platform to present their social commitment. But also the small, the private donors with the small amounts are welcome with us, because every euro counts.
Your donation, your sponsorship budget is in the best hands with us. Trustingly, we ensure that everything is done correctly, that 100% of your financial resources find their way to the goal and are used sensibly. We thank you in advance for your commitment, for your passion in promoting customs and tradition. Feel free to keep up the good work, feel free to spread the word – we are counting on you.